Our first client side fix

Posted on 18 Aug 2006 by StealthEye
We have released a client+server fix, that means you need the client and the server patched for it to work. The problem is that it's not compatible with unpatched clients or servers, so there will probably be little ppl using it. If anyone has a way to get this to support unpatched clients as well, please try it or tell it to us. However it is a complex thing and only those who know ASM will probably be able to figure such a thing out. I'm still trying to find a way to do it.
I'm also working on a fig for the annoying "slow turrets" bug. I guess most ppl will understand what I mean by that. If I can figure it out, it will be a clientside patch compatible with unpatched servers most probably.
We forgot to post a news item about this yesterday, sorry for that.

See also:
Topic about the walllag fix at renforums.com
The BlackIntel download page