New site launched!

Posted on 01 May 2009 by EvilWhiteDragon
It took us quite some time, but today we finally launched our new website. As you can see we have basicly redone most of the information on our site, or gave it a new place.

Because we now host more games than just C&C Renegade we needed to create a logical way to categorize these games. This has now been done, and we directly took the opertunity to change the websites appearance. We though that the graphics needed an update as well, because the C&C3 concept art was always a bit odd at an C&C Renegade site ;)

We made a banner that contains images of all three games we host, being C&C Renegade, Unreal Tournament 3 and Battlefield 2142 mod: First Strike. As you can see we did empathize on the Renegade mammoth a little bit, this because we think it is important to remind us of the game it all started with.

Hope you'll enjoy the new site!