Movies section

Posted on 06 May 2006 by EvilWhiteDragon
This week StealthEye and me made a couple of ingame movies. Nothing special, except that they are of rather advanced tactics, and require quite some skill. We did the "Walk into the NOD refinery" movie about 40 times because it was so damn hard to do. Most of them are impossible to do in a normal game, but it is just a showoff :P.

If you think about replicating them, you will probebly fail since you need the "obelisk fix" which, as far as I know are only avaible at the BlackIntel servers

Updated Funshots

Posted on 03 May 2006 by EvilWhiteDragon
We made a whole lot more funshots and today we uploaded them to the site :).
I particularly like the "Lock view to turret off" section.
Go check them out here.

More console news

Posted on 26 Apr 2006 by StealthEye
Ok, the console had some updates again. It now is able to auto-complete commands when you hit the tab button. If there are multiple commands matching your input, those will be listed. These messages will be displayed in green to make it easier to distinguish.

I've also made a screenshot of the console, if you know how the 'old' console was, you'll definitely see what's improved. If you don't, trust me, this one works much smoother. :)

Console image

Funshots, custom 404 and minor others

Posted on 26 Apr 2006 by StealthEye
Ok, let's start with the biggest change: We have added a page with good and funny screenshots. You can see funny mod bugs, command abuses to get into impossible situations in the real game, other good screenshots, etc. We hope you like the new page. :) More screenshots should be uploaded soon, but as we haven't thought about updates much, the system we used isn't really handy for us to update. We're thinking of changing the system or whether we should just do it "the hard way" from now on.
If you feel you have some (potentially) good screenshot (or maybe even multiple) feel free to send them to one of our staff members. Thanks in advance. :)

Second change is that the 404 error pages have been replaced by site integrated error messages. This is to prevent the site from going to our host's custom error pages, as that wasn't really practical.

Then we have done some minor changes, for example we added the irc channels to the staff page for easier contacting us.

XWIS Query

Posted on 22 Apr 2006 by StealthEye
Ok, that took much more time than I thought, but the XWIS pages are working again. The avarage query time is 0.8 seconds (as seen at the bottom of the page), which is slower than on my home server (0.2) :(. Let's hope it has a bad day now :)
The advantage is that this one seems not to have a bug that we had before: a blank page would sometimes show up. I think that's due to the different way of connecting to XWIS.


Posted on 21 Apr 2006 by StealthEye
I've done quite a lot fixes to the scipts.dll code. I also rewrote some systems to work better and to be more easy to maintain.

The fixes include the bug that all commands would be parsed twice, once by my scripts.dll, and once by brenbot. Now, the commands I made will not be parsed by brenbot. The main advantages are that brenbot is slow sometimes, might not be running or has major or minor bugs.

Another important fix is that the server would crash on any message with %s in it. Other scripts.dll bots may have the same problem, due to a misinterpretation of an internal scripts.dll command (Console_Output). My bot uses Console_Output for example to show messages to the console, which would fail is %s was used.
I have notified jonwil, the scripts.dll owner, and he said it should be fixed in the new version. I have fixed it in my version already.
If you want to test it, type "msg %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" (or any long string with a lot of "%s") ingame after pressing F8. Your game should crash.. :P That's kinda what happened to the server too...

Changed hosts

Posted on 21 Apr 2006 by StealthEye
Ok, we've changed hosts, we got some trouble and that's why the site was so slow for the past few days, but it should be over now... Currently the XWIS query page is not working, but I hope to fix that soon. A few minor changes should be done and new pages should appear sometime we find time to finish them... :)

Updates, updates, updates...

Posted on 12 Apr 2006 by StealthEye
1 month no site updates, that's a long time :(. I've been buzy with school, so I really hadn't got the time to write anything here. I did find time to do some modding though, ans thought it would be better to have mods + no site updates than site updates without mods ;) So, here's what I've done lately..

I've modified the vehicle theft detection and bind commands. Note that by "bind", I mean something replacing the !bind and !lock commands, it is not at all based on the SSAOW !bind's.
Whenever you buy a vehicle, it is automatically bound to you, directly after creating, making you able to detect who stole your vehicle, even if it was stolen right after buying it. If it is destroyed, or an enemy steals it, you'll get a message. When a teammate gets in, both he and you would get a message, and you would be able to do !give to change the owership, or !vkick to get him out of your vehicle. You may also use !unbind to bind the vehicle to the first player entering the vehicle after you exited it, or !rebind to change the ownership to one specific player.
Most of the system is already working, the !vkick and !give commands are not fully working yet, that's why currently only BlkIntel3 runs the mod.

I have included a !version command to show the latest build time and scripts.dll version, this is mostly to help our staff to see whether everything is still running the latest versions.

I optimized, cleaned up, renamed and rewrote some code sections and names. Nothing more to say about that actually...

I have set limits on the !setm and !sets, as really high numbers caused renegade to act weird (making you unable to buy anything, and only a suicide would work).

But, most importantly (well, maybe the auto-bind is as important as this is), I rewrote the whole server console. Now the blue console screen's size and buffer can be changed in the config file, instead of the default (too small) size.
Before I rewrote the console, it was hard for admins to use it, as lines of text were constantly written to the screen, and made it look really strange. From now on, the text you write to the console is inserted at the bottom of the screen, and whenever a message arrives, that line is rewritten, so you see no change to the bottom line.
There's more cool stuff in the new console though, you may now use the arrow and function keys like del, ins, home and end to modify your command. Up and down, as well as page up and page down will walk through all previously typed commands. New function keys have been assigned to common actions, such as help, player and game info and sending messages. F5 clears all output and gives you a nice clean window.
If you've worked with the old console before, you'll definitely love the changes.
Currently this mod is beta, as I've not yet found time to test it thoroughly, but it will soon be used permanently on BI 1 and 2.

Problems and updates...

Posted on 11 Mar 2006 by StealthEye
I have changed the way "hidden" ingame messages (eg. commands like !help and !rules) are shown ingame. I have made them colored gray in the console. Also I have made the commands work in a slightly more logical way: Usually the commands were shown below the command output, but now the command message is above the output.

The commands !suicide, !kill and !killme will now instantly kill you. This is useful for example if you cannot access PTs after rejoining, you got stucked, or having any other problems.

I've worked on harvy blocking. I have 2 methods working, one completely blocks the harvester from moving, one will just stop the harvester from his waypath. This makes the harvy stop but it can be pushed for example. The other method has a few visible glitches, whereas the 2nd method might stop the harvester from working if you block it while it's harvesting.
Also I have not yet got a team commander or anything to get the harvester blocked in a fair way.

I noticed that my !lock conflicted with SSAOW's lock, it would lock the vehicle in 2 ways, send 2 messages, etc. I have therefore disabled my lock command.

Now for the problems: We have been experiancing a few sudden crashes in the server. I have done some debugging but am not yet sure why they occur. I hope to have it fixed ASAP.

New auto complete section

Posted on 02 Mar 2006 by StealthEye
As we have added a lot of auto complete actions to replace short aliases, we have made a list of them. You can find the list and some info about auto complete on the auto complete page.